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Clear, effective writing is a core component of successful business. You need to communicate successfully with your customer base, your employees and your shareholders — and you need to attract new clients. Your written collateral should be one of your most powerful tools. Whatever writing issues you struggle with in your organisation – whether it’s customer engagement, effective emails, web content, SM campaigns or business-to-business communication – Writing Project can help you express your message more effectively.

You wouldn’t hire a lawyer or an accountant who doesn’t come highly recommended, so why would you engage a training consultant who isn’t also outstanding in their field? Writing Project Associates are all distinguished authors.

Because professionals rely on other professionals.

Writing Project Associates work on all aspects of business writing. We understand the need to protect and strengthen your brand, boost profit share and invest in professional development for your employees. Get in touch and see what we can do for you:
Contact us

Writing Project workshop content for business and SMEs include:

  • Press Releases
  • Proofreading
  • Report Writing
  • Responding to Complaints
  • Social Media
  • Website Content
  • Women and the Language of Power
  • Writing for Different Audiences
  • Writing in Plain English
  • Business / Corporate Language
  • Business Narratives
  • Clarity, Concision and Effectiveness
  • Editing
  • Emails
  • Engaging an Audience
  • Establishing a House Style
  • Executive Summary
  • Powerful Paragraphs

Visit our In-House Workshops page for more detail on workshop content.
More information on In-House Workshops.

If there is anything that is specific to your organisation, we can help you with that too. And if it’s difficult for your team to all be away from their desks at the same time for three hours, why not send them individually to one of our Open Workshops?
More information on Open Workshops

Or maybe a Writing Audit would be the solution? Writing Audits highlight what’s working well in your written material, what’s working less well, and why. And then they tell you how to improve it.
More information on Writing Audits

If you’re working on a sensitive project and need focused and confidential support, or if you would just like some personal coaching, Writing Project provides individual consultancy.
More information on Individual Consultation

Case Study: Verisk Maplecroft

Verisk Maplecroft logo

Verisk Maplecroft is a global risk analytics and research company that works with some of the world’s best known brands. The company’s data, reporting and forecasting give its customers a competitive edge in decision-making across important areas including market strategy, procurement and compliance, business resilience, security, human rights, and ESG (environmental, social and governance) investment.

Verisk asked Writing Project to help because it felt that some of its academically trained researchers were writing in too scholarly a way for their customers. Writing Project Associates delivered two workshops at the company’s offices in Bath and London, covering clarity, brevity and punctuation, and showing the company’s report writers and marketing staff how they could polish their style.

The workshops were attended by more than 30 participants and the audience was supplemented by 15 more staff phoning in from international locations.

Verisk’s staff felt that the workshops were “practical, engaging and highly beneficial”. The workshops made their writing “more accessible and user-friendly, less academic” and the trainers’ practical and interactive advice gave them the opportunity to view their own writing critically and change the way they wrote, aiming above all for clarity and readability. “The combination of theory with practical exercises worked really well,” one participant wrote. “Both trainers were very knowledgeable and passionate about writing.”

The trainers brought energy and personality to the exercises . . . It was one of the best days I’ve had at work in a long time.
— Ascend Programme HMRC

I would certainly recommend this workshop for anyone looking to improve the quality and in particular the accuracy of any technical writing. — Plas y Brenin

I left feeling inspired! — Canopy & Stars

My tutor was one of the most dedicated professionals I’ve worked with. — Cardiff School of Journalism

Thank you for creating and delivering a brilliant day. — RADA Business